


We cover all your needs to make your dream come true.

Welcome to the Entrepreneur Service Point. We take care of all the necessary paperwork so you can focus on your business and turn your dream into reality. Forget about bureaucracy and call us!!!

Within 24 hours you will be registered as a freelancer. You will be able to use our professional software for free and issue your own invoices. You will have a specialized advisor to solve all the doubts that may arise.


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Our professionals are in charge of putting at your disposal the best options that exist in labor contracting based on the different subsidies and bonuses of the moment.


AFL Consulting informs you of the aid and subsidies and the deadline for applications so that you can apply for them.


Preparation, writing and requesting those R&D projects that your company is interested in opting for.


Development and implementation of regional programs aimed at economically facilitating business continuity.


We make applications and help prepare the necessary documentation to qualify for any subsidy called for both companies and individuals.

We advise you on the different procedures and steps to follow to create your company. We belong to the PAE Network (Entrepreneur Service Point) of the General Directorate of Industry and SMEs (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) which allows us to carry out the incorporation process within a period of 24 hours.

We inform you in detail about the possibilities of the entrepreneur to enter the business world. Aid from Servef , capitalization of unemployment, subsidies for investment.

At Afl Consulting we provide you with detailed information on the different current financial instruments that are available so that you can successfully start your business activity. We prepare the necessary viability plan so that you can choose the one that best suits you (ICO, ENISA, CDTI, PARTICIPATORY LOANS...).

Afl Consulting provides you with comprehensive and personalized advice to establish a tax strategy based on your economic and asset situation in order to save on your tax bill.

Limited Partnership, Labor Partnership, Cooperative, Civil Partnership, Community of Property, Collective Partnership or Limited Partnership...at AFL Consulting we will tell you the best legal form that adapts to your needs.

We offer you a detailed study about the minimum necessary profitability to achieve when acquiring a franchise or a transfer. We inform you of all the details and advise you on the franchise/transfer contract.

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